The Effectiveness of Exchange Quiz Card Media to Improve Students’ Speaking Fluency

  • Listiani Fajerin IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Jasuli Jasuli IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Effectiveness, exchange quiz card, speaking fluency


This research aims at examining the effectiveness of Exchange Quiz Card media to improve students’ speaking fluency of the grade 7 students of Junior high school Kertanegara Malang Year 2019/2020. Early observation on the learning process undertaken by the researcher and the English teacher found that the speaking fluency of the English Language on the student's VII grade of Junior High School Kertanegara Malang is quite low. It is because of the lack of effective media. Therefore, the researcher intends to see the effectiveness of the initiated teaching media towards students’ speaking fluency. This research is carried out through quasi-experimental research with pretest-posttest design using paired sample T-test and tested using SPSS 20. There were 12 students subject to this research. The results showed that value of t count 3,626 > t table 2,200 which means there is influence of the use of exchange quiz card and thus considered the initiated media effective. The researcher strongly suggested that the English teachers use an exchange quiz card as a supporting media to improve students' speaking fluency.

How to Cite
Fajerin, L., & Jasuli, J. (2020). The Effectiveness of Exchange Quiz Card Media to Improve Students’ Speaking Fluency. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 1(01), 831-843.
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