Pengembangan Media Berbasis Android untuk Memfasilitasi Pembelajaran Speaking di Kelas VII SMP

  • Widhya Isnani Santika IKIP BUDI UTOMO
  • Sri Fatmaning Hartatik
  • Enis Fitriani IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Android, EFL, speaking


This study aims to develop android-based learning media (android-based learning media) in English subjects, especially in learning speaking. This study uses a research and development approach (R&D). The place of this research is SMP Negeri 21 Malang. The object of this research development is a smartphone application that is accompanied by various features developed from student textbooks. The data collection technique used in this research is the questionnaire method. The questionnaire was used to analyze the needs of students in learning English online, then the second questionnaire was used to collect data on the evaluation and validation of English learning media, including: material experts and media experts. From the research results, among others: the material expert test obtained a score of 72% in the good category, the media expert test obtained a score of 92% in the very good category, so that the android-based learning media in English subjects is suitable for use in teaching and learning activities

How to Cite
Santika, W., Hartatik, S., & Fitriani, E. (2021). Pengembangan Media Berbasis Android untuk Memfasilitasi Pembelajaran Speaking di Kelas VII SMP. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 2(01), 309-317.
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