Model Latihan Tembakan Full Volley Shoot dan Heading dalam Sepakbola Berbasis Speed

  • Sudarsono Sudarsono IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Dedy Irawan IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: A Full Volley Kick, Heading, Speed, Coordination


In development research carried out by researchers, there are objectives developed, namely developing full volleyball and heading training model products. The Borg and Gall development procedure is a procedure used by researchers in research, namely research, planning, book product development, small group trials, first revision, large group trial, second product revision. In collecting data using a questionnaire of learning experts, football game experts and players for small group trials and large group trials where this research was carried out at SSB (Football School) Unibraw 82 Malang. Research that produces a variety of exercise books must go through validation from experts who are competent in their fields, experiment books both in small numbers and in large numbers. All stages are passed by researchers to produce new products. Development of training model book products to kick the hull ball and head the ball in speed-based football and coordination based on learning experts, soccer game experts and small group trials and large group trials are good with good criteria so that these training models can be used as learning media or coaching by students or coaches.

How to Cite
Sudarsono, S., & Irawan, D. (2020). Model Latihan Tembakan Full Volley Shoot dan Heading dalam Sepakbola Berbasis Speed. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 1(01), 852-860.
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