Praktikum Analisis Deteksi Pencemaran Lingkungan menggunakan Media Leave Colour Chart (LCC) Tanaman Glodokan Tiang (Polyalthia longifolia) untuk Meningkatkan Psikomotorik Siswa SMP Kertanegara Malang

  • Maria G. G. Surni IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Stephanus J. Ghayo
  • Titik Wijayanti IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Environmental pollution, learning media, leave colour chart, psychomotor students


Learning media is an infrastructure that can facilitate students in understanding the mateial submitted by a techer, and vice versa with the selection of the right learning media will make it easier for teachers to explain the material to learners. Leave Colour Chart (LCC) or also called leaf color blades are learning media in practicum for environmental pollution material. This study aims to determine the improvement of psychomotor’s ability of SMP Kertanegara Malang on the practice of environmental pollution detection analysis using media leverage color chart glodpap plants. This research is a type of quasi experiment that uses pretest and postest as data collection method. Leave Colour Chart (LCC) as a learning media in the activities of practicum of environmental pollution materials as the observed leaves of the leaves, which can then be determined the status of the plant conditions in the category of pollution levels. The results showed there is an increase in psychomotor’s ability of SMP Kertanegara Malang students in the practice of environmental pollution detection using Leave Colour Chart learning media of the glodpha pole plant.

How to Cite
Surni, M. G. G., Ghayo, S. J., & Wijayanti, T. (2020). Praktikum Analisis Deteksi Pencemaran Lingkungan menggunakan Media Leave Colour Chart (LCC) Tanaman Glodokan Tiang (Polyalthia longifolia) untuk Meningkatkan Psikomotorik Siswa SMP Kertanegara Malang. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 1(01), 263-271.
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