Pengembangan Interactive Module of Disgestive System Berbasis Multimedia Autoplay

  • Lusia Mina IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Primadya Anantyarta IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: Development, interactive module, disgestive system, autoplay


This study aims to develop a multimedia autoplay based module of disgestive. The module is the smallest unit of teaching and learning programs that students learn individually or or learners to themselves. This development research method refers to the ADDIE model which has five stages, namely: 1) Analysis (analysis of students' needs, so that the resulting output is in the form of identification of needs and task analysis based on needs), 2) Design (planning or designing), 3) Developmentation (making the design a reality), 4) Implementation (concrete steps to implement the learning system that is being developed, 5) Evaluate (giving values ​​to the learning program. The stages used in the development of this module are limited to 3 stages, namely analysis, design, and development. The percentage of the results of the validation of the first material expert was 89.47% with very valid criteria and the percentage of the results of the validation of the second material expert was greater than the first by 90.78%, with very valid criteria as well. And for the results of the first validation media expert got a percentage of 85.71% with very feasible criteria and the results of the second validation by the media expert were greater than the first validation of 97.36% with very feasible criteria, so it can be concluded that the development of the digestive system module in The validity level of human based on multimedia autoplay is seen that it is very feasible and can be used in learning.

How to Cite
Mina, L., & Anantyarta, P. (2020). Pengembangan Interactive Module of Disgestive System Berbasis Multimedia Autoplay. Prosiding Seminar Nasional IKIP Budi Utomo, 1(01), 272-285.
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