Internalization of Motion Analysis of Kicking Ball Technique Using Inner Foot in Indoor Hockey Goalkeepers
To analyze the data, each athlete will carry out the technique of kicking the ball using the inner foot and researchers will apply it using the dartfish software application and hockey experts then compare to national athletes. The results of the study based on the dartfish software application percentage of success rates in this study are: the results of the percentage analysis according to hockey experts kicking the right foot in the prefix position of the category very good (70%), good (30%), less (0%), less once (0%). The position of the implementation of the categories is very good (30%), good (40%), less (30%), less (0%). The position of the category suffix is very good (50%), good (50%), less (0%), less (0%). And the results of the percentage analysis according to hockey experts kicked the left foot in the starting position of the category very good (70%), good (30%), less (0%), less once (0%). The position of the implementation of the category is very good (20%), good (40%), less (40%), less (0%). The position of the category suffix is very good (50%), good (50%), less (0%), less (0%).
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