Phenomenological Study of 'Street Singers' in Banyuwangi

  • Rochsun Rochsun IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Mukarom Mukarom IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Nurcholis Sunuyeko IKIP Budi Utomo
  • Jasuli Jasuli IKIP Budi Utomo
Keywords: resilience, Using culture, global culture, street singers


This study aims to portray the resilience of Using culture through a phenomenological study of 'street singers' (pengamen) in Banyuwangi. The street singers of Banyuwangi also colore the richness of Using culture and appear to present Using ethnic songs in expressing their artistic activities. The influence of global culture is increasingly difficult to be blocked [1] [2], meanwhile geographically, the location of the cultural existence is precisely at the crossroads of  two  major  cultures,  namely  Javanese  and  Balinese  cultures  [3].  Qualitative  research through phenomenological studies was conducted through in-depth interviews with cultural actors (street singers) and the Using supporting community of Banyuwangi. The data is then analyzed  through  the  sequence  stages:  (1)  transcribing  the  recorded  interview  results  to written form, (2) bracketing (epoche), (3) taking an inventory of important statements (horizonalization), (4) formulating into the meaning (cluster of meaning) and (5) performing the descriptions of the essence. The results of this study cover two important things. First, Using culture can survive because of the aclak (active), bingkak (creative) and ladak (innovative) spirits of Using cultural actors. Second, the acceptance of the Banyuwangi community in general for the artistic expression of Using songs due to the consequences of the defense (uri-uri) spirit of the community. This study concludes that the preservation of Using culture is based on the internal spirit (active, creative, innovative) of cultural actors and external spirit, namely the process of preservation (uri-uri).


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How to Cite
Rochsun, R., Mukarom, M., Sunuyeko, N., & Jasuli, J. (2022). RESILIENCE OF USING CULTURE. Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 5(1), 58-63.
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