Generosity in Indonesian Literature
An Implication of Character Education
This Indonesian Literary Novel contains various kinds of events, such as real human events that live in the world, both fictional and reality. Every good literary work always carries ethical and moral messages, so that good literature always voices ethical, moral appeals and is full of trust. The problem in this research, namely: what are the implications of philanthropic attitudes in character education in Indonesian literature (novels)?. The aim is to find out the description of the content of the attitude of generosity contained in Indonesian literary works (novels) related to character education. The benefits of the results of this study as reading material or additional knowledge in studying and understanding literary works, especially events related to the generosity of figures in Indonesian literature (novels). The method in this study uses a qualitative approach, research data. The data of this study are in the form of words, phrases, sentences, in the dialogues of the characters in Indonesian literary novels. The research data includes: items in the theory of philanthropy and character education as well as data sources, namely the text of Indonesian literary novels. The data collection technique in this research is text analysis in the form of language exposure in the novel. This technique is used in the form of textual descriptions. This technique is used to collect research data in the form of literary works, namely: the researcher reads carefully from the data source; the researcher identifies the units of events in each paragraph; The researcher puts a mark on the exposure of the language contained in the novel. The instrument is in the form of a data collection guide containing the data columns found and then presented and discussed. The data collection technique in this research is text analysis in the form of language exposure in the novel. This technique is used in data collection procedures carried out to obtain data. The results of this study are expected to be used as an additional basis for the concept of reference for researchers who are interested in further deepening research on literature, especially the disciplines of philanthropy and character education. This writing produces kindness to the poor, kindness in prescribing medicine, not being arrogant, caring for abandoned babies, caring for others, helping sick people, helping children whose fathers are in prison.
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From the news article:
Articles: AN ANALYSIS OF MORAL VALUES OF THE RAINBOW TROOPS NOVEL BY ANDREA HIRATA, Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy/Lonasari Afandi (IKIP Budi Utomo Malang) DOI:
Trisnian Ifianti, Anita Kurnia Rahman, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang,
Copyright (c) 2022 Rokhyanto Rokhyanto, Nurwakhid Mulyono, Endang Sumarti, Umi Salamah
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Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.