The Digital Conservation and Revitalization of Regional Languages in Nusantara

Keywords: Digital Conservation, Revitalization, Regional Languages, Nusantara


The purpose of this research is the digitization of regional languages. The form of technology that will be developed is a digital conservation and revitalization program. There are 2 stages in this program: 1) the development stage, namely the development of language learning applications. Inspired by the Duolingo application, the application for learning international languages, the application is the local version by prioritizing the values ​​of local wisdom of the local language being studied. The basic concept of this application is to document regional languages ​​by teaching them. This application is designed to be accessible to anyone who wants to know or learn a certain regional language through a smartphone. The features in this application product will focus on four language skills with tiered levels, each of which is presented in different themes. There will be several choices of regional languages ​​that can be learned, the final target of developing this application is to document all regional languages ​​​​of the archipelago. As an initial project, this program will digitize two regional languages ​​in East Java, namely Javanese and Madurese. 2) socialization, education, and promotion that will be carried out in several forms of activities targeting all communities at all levels. On campus, the target is to form a community that cares about the preservation of regional languages ​​among academics; Among students to grow the importance of preserving regional languages ​​and make applications that will be developed as a reference to support the teaching of regional languages ​​in schools; and society.


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How to Cite
Hadiwijaya, M., Kinanti, K., & Puspita Sari, I. (2022). The Digital Conservation and Revitalization of Regional Languages in Nusantara. Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 5(2), 270–280.
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