The Use of Peer Feedback as the Social Affective Strategy to Improve Skills in Writing Analytical Exposition Text

Exploring the Students’ Perception

  • Siti Nabilla Indah Tita Okvianti Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Wahyu Diny Sujannah Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Putu Dian Danayanti Degeng Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Keywords: peer feedback, social affective strategy, writing skills, perception, challenge


Difficulties in writing are often encountered by some people in learning English as a foreign language. The difficulties and problems in writing can be overcome by implementing peer feedback as the learning strategy. This study aims to describe the perceptions and challenges in applying peer feedback as a social affective strategy in writing analytical exposition text. The method used in this research was a qualitative descriptive. In addition, the data of this research were gathered from open-ended questionnaire and interview. Furthermore, the research involved 15 students in the eleventh grade at SMA Widya Gama Malang. The findings showed that most of them agreed that implementing peer feedback in writing analytical exposition text could improve their writing skills and provide several benefits for them such as becoming more confident and open-minded and improve their critical thinking. Despite the benefits, the strategy also had some disadvantages and challenges related to the implementation of peer feedback but they still found improvement in their writing skills. Hence, this research concluded that it is recommended that peer feedback should be implemented to improve writing skills with some considerations.


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How to Cite
Okvianti, S., Sujannah, W., & Degeng, P. (2023). The Use of Peer Feedback as the Social Affective Strategy to Improve Skills in Writing Analytical Exposition Text. Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 6(1), 61-70.
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