Unlocking Oral Proficiency Through the Shadowing Technique Combined with VOA

The Experimental Impact on Undergraduate Speaking Abilities

  • Siti Ayu Surayya Hamzanwadi University, East Lombok, Indonesia
  • Ari Prasetyaningrum Hamzanwadi University, East Lombok, Indonesia
  • Usuludin Usuludin Hamzanwadi University, East Lombok, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Khatami Hamzanwadi University, East Lombok, Indonesia
Keywords: Shadowing technique, VOA (Voice of America), Speaking


Speaking is a multifaceted skill that presents notable difficulties for students. To effectively tackle these challenges, educators need to employ successful teaching strategies. This study examines the impact of the Shadowing technique using VOA (Voice of America) on improving students' speaking skills. The experimental research involved a comparison between two groups of fourth-semester undergraduate students: an experimental group that received instruction through the Shadowing technique and a control group that received no instruction. The study sample consisted of 20 English major students. Pre- and post-test scores were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test, which revealed significant improvements in the speaking abilities of the experimental group. Although both groups started with similar baseline scores, the post-test results indicated a significant increase in the experimental group, with a mean score of 71.70, compared to the control group's mean score of 65.20. A p-value of 0.044 led to the rejection of the null hypothesis, confirming the effectiveness of the Shadowing technique through VOA in enhancing speaking skills. In conclusion, this study offers empirical evidence that the Shadowing technique via VOA significantly boosts the speaking abilities of undergraduate students, supporting its potential as a valuable approach for teaching speaking skills.


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How to Cite
Surayya, S. A., Prasetyaningrum, A., Usuludin, U., & Khatami, A. (2024). Unlocking Oral Proficiency Through the Shadowing Technique Combined with VOA. Journey: Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 7(2), 208-218. https://doi.org/10.33503/journey.v7i2.4330
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