Mangulosi Ulos (Tradisi Pertukaran Resiprositas pada Komunitas Batak Toba)

  • Diaz Darmawan Universitas Tanjungpura
Keywords: Batak Toba, ulos, resiprocity


Mangulosi Ulos is one of the traditional ceremonies in the Toba Batak community which is haved cultural values. Mengulosi Ulos is the process of giving ulos cloth as a symbol of identity and kinship in the Toba Batak community. In the Ulos process, there is a demand that the recipient of Ulos will later repay it by giving a similar Ulos. The process of giving Ulos is interesting when viewed from an economic anthropological perspective as a form of reciprocal activity in the Toba Batak community. In order to get an informative narrative, this writing uses qualitative methods and literacy studies. Utilizing a variety of scientific literacy and online literacy by validating it through interviewing key informants. The results of this paper show that the Mangulosi Ulos tradition is a form of disproportionate positive reciprocity activity.

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