• Ahmad Rifqi Rifqi Universitas PGRI Argopuro Jember
  • Dwi Noviani Sulisawati Universitas PGRI Argopuro Jember
  • Dimas Andhita Cahyo Universitas PGRI Argopuro Jember
Keywords: Ethnomathematics, pencak silat gasmi, lines and angles


This research aims to describe the process and results of developing ethnomathematics-oriented teaching materials that are valid, practical and effective. This research uses the ADDIE development model which consists of 5 stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation. The instruments used include  validation sheet, implementation observation sheet, student response questionnaire, and test question sheet. The subjects of this research were 16 class VII students at SMP Kartika IV-6 Ambulu. The quality of teaching materials viewed from the validity aspect is included in the valid category with the assessment average of media experts is 3.77 with valid category. Material expert assessment average is 3.87 with valid category. RPP validation assessment average is 4.08 in the valid category. Validation assessment average of implementation observations is 4.6 with very valid category. Student response questionnaire assessment average is 4,08 with valid category. Assessment average of test questions is 4.54 with a very valid category. The practical aspect of the LKS was obtained from the results of implementation observations with a score of 87.5% and the results of the student response questionnaire with a score of 84.62% with the category very practical. From the aspect of the effectiveness of the LKS, it can be seen from the student test results with a score of 86.67%. In this way, the ethnomathematics-oriented teaching materials developed meet the aspects of validity, practicality and effectiveness.


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