Development Of Pocket Tennis Field Course
Service is one of the materials studied in theoretical and practical course of tennis in the physical education study program, health and recreation, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. To be able to master the theory and practice of servicing, teaching materials they are needed. The main obstacle for students that is still difficult to practice tennis service. Providing a pocket book is a solution can be done and easy to learn, under everywhere. The pocket book was developed with the Hannafin and Peck development model, which consists of 3 stages, namely (1) Need Assessment (Needs Analysis Phase), (2) Design (Design Phase), and (3) Develop / Implement (Development and Implementation Phase) , This development model is a product-oriented learning design model. The data obtained begins with needs analysis, product design, product manufacturing, and product validation. The instrument used to collect development research data used questionnaires and interview guides. Data were analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the analysis, shows that structured teaching materials have met eligibility requirements. The validity level of the material content experts obtained results of 92% (very valid), Language obtained results of 96.7% (Very Valid), Media obtained results of 90.5% (very valid), and individual trials obtained results with results , 94.5% (Very Valid) and fit for use.
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